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European No-Hole-Card Rule: the dealer receives only one card, dealt face-up, and does not a second card (and thus does not check for blackjack) until players have acted. This means players lose not only their original bet, but also any additional money invested from splitting and doubling down. Some common rules variations include: When you're betting online, most experts advise that unless you have a good system in place, you should limit your bets to a few spins and wager more per spin. This advise is based on the idea that statistically, the longer you play, the higher the odds are that you will lose money. If you can't spot the sucker within the first half hour at the table, then you are the sucker. - common poker saying, as spoken by Matt Damon in Rounders; originally attributed to Amarillo Slim European No-Hole-Card Rule: the dealer receives only one card, dealt face-up, and does not a second card (and thus does not check for blackjack) until players have acted. This means players lose not only their original bet, but also any additional money invested from splitting and doubling down. early surrender: player has the option to surrender before dealer checks for Blackjack.
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Ken Uston on Blackjack, Ken Uston, 1986, ISBN 0818404116 When blackjack was first introduced in the United States it wasn't very popular, so gambling houses tried offering various bonus payouts to get the players to the tables. One such bonus was a 10-to-1 payout if the player's hand consisted of the ace of spades and a black Jack (either the Jack of clubs or the Jack of spades). This hand was called a "blackjack" and the name stuck even though the bonus payout was soon abolished. If the 'Player' has an initial total of 6 or 7, the 'Player' stands and draws no further card. Chuck-a-luck If the 'Banker' has an initial total of 6, the 'Banker' draws another card when the 'Player's' third card is a 6 or 7. The combination of above ensures that the casino will in the vast majority of cases come out ahead in the long run. For an illustration, see this Gambler's Ruin simulation: [1] Cards Ease. You can get into an entire new life of online casinos in five minutes even if you are not really a people kind of person. Even if you are lazy (most probably if you are lazy!). There's no embarassment for newcomers, you don't have to go anywhere or dress anything and it doesn't really matter if you've played it all before or this would be the first game of your life. Click-click and you're in. Online casinos have all the help, support, certification and technology to satisfy you. Everything online is under your fingertips, one Internet search away. As you can chat with other players and look up the reputation of a particular online casino if you want to or even submit a testimony, online casinos will do everything to please. The paradox of online gambling is that the industry that is traditionally associated with cheating and crime in minds of most people is in fact one of the cleanest, safest and most successful Internet businesses ever. Online casinos are there more for you than for themselves. [edit] House advantage Knock-Out Blackjack, Olaf Vancura and Ken Fuchs, 1998, ISBN 0929712315
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